St. Joseph Clothes Closet is a ministry of St. Joseph Church serving those in need. The ministry gives clothing, bedding, and household items free of charge. The Clothes Closet is open on Tuesdays 9am- Noon and Thursday from 4pm-6pm.
Volunteers are needed to work at the Clothes Closet, sort and prepare the clothing for distribution including, laundering, mending, bagging, pairing socks, etc. Many volunteer opportunities are available.
Donations are accepted during ministry hours.
Contact Jackie Sommers: [email protected].
Our mission is focused on the respect and love for every life from conception until natural death. It is our goal to build awareness of the many resources available through the Catholic church as well as other prominent organizations, to those who find themselves in vulnerable, life-changing situations. We reach out to the parish with information when it’s received and promote opportunities for parishioners to become involved in these various areas. We also support the Women’s Care Center in Auburn.
A new ministry responsible for the planning and execution of social events for all ages within the parish. Many volunteers will be needed to see this ministry succeed.
Contact Erin Tuttle: 260-927-5170.