The church is cleaned on the 3rd Friday of every month at 10 a.m. and prior to special events. Cleaning supplies are provided.
Contact the parish office at (260)357-3122.
Seasonal planning of liturgical art and decorating of the Church.
Contact Chrissy DePew: (260) 357-5755.
Our parish is devoted to continued prayer opportunities for everyone. Two such wonderful times come during the months of May and October. May is devoted to Mary and October is the month honoring the Rosary. The Rosary is also often led during Lent. During these times, the Rosary will begin 30 minutes prior to Saturday mass and 30 minutes prior to 8:00 a.m. Sunday mass.
Contact the Parish Office: [email protected], (260) 357-3122.
The prayer line is a group of people who pray for those in need. Any parishioner can request prayer for himself/herself, a family member, or friend. Prayer-chain information is dispersed by both phone and email.
Contact Becky Blotkamp at [email protected].
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic, family, and fraternal organization. Practicing Catholic men age 18 and older are eligible to join. On a local level, the Knights are a major supporter of our church, school, and the Garrett community. The K of C sponsors the 4th of July Chicken BBQ, Lenten Fish Fry, and a Tootsie Roll Drive, Coats for kids, to name a few.
Contact Tony Blomeke: [email protected].
Volunteers are needed for a variety of parish tasks throughout the year to maintain our facilities; parish, grotto and cemetery.
Contact Dave Dekoninck: (260) 570-6802.